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School Council Meeting: January 24


Lunchtime clubs


Upcoming fundraisers

Roles of School Council


The School Council discussed the impact of lunchtime clubs and looked at what further opportunities could be provided for our children in school. Class representatives are going to find out what clubs their peers would like to attend and discuss changing the clubs available.

Ms Phillips, our attendance officer, introduced class competitions. The class that has the best attendance at the end of term will win a whole class this space! 

School Council received a heart-warming letter from a pupil who attends Ysgol Hendrefelin, asking if this year, for our fundraiser, we could raise money for a charity that is very close to his heart. After a vote, the School Council decided that we will be raising money for Little Hearts Matter this year. More details to follow. 

We also had a discussion about our roles within the School Council and what it means to be a class representative. It was decided that School Council would become more proactive, we would use Google Classroom more frequently and Mrs Sayce would ask form teachers to spare 5 minutes during registration for class representatives to share important news.

We look forward to inviting Interplay to our next School Council meeting.