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School Council Meeting: May 23

The focus of the meeting: 

- Update on memorial garden

-Plan Memorial Garden party

-Maintaining Memorial Garden / Lunchtime clubs

-After school club

-Activity days in school


School Council had a busy agenda today. 

We started with an update on The Memorial Garden. We are happy with the progress made so far. Each class has a responsibility for an area in the garden. The cladding has been put up on our walls, our mural has been put in place, and we are seeing lots of progress with the planters, sensory path and sensory board. 

We began to plan an opening party for the Memorial Garden which will be held on the 21st of June. We are very excited and talked about getting a DJ, face paints, a bouncy castle and maybe even some celebrities to come and visit. We are going to have some food and drinks and celebrate our reflective space in remembrance of Miss Nicola Evans.

This moved nicely on to maintaining our Memorial Garden and looking after our garden. School council would like to have a range of lunchtime clubs at school. We had a vote and 100 of our members think that children in our school would benefit from a lunchtime club. We would definitely like to have a gardening club!!

Next, we spoke about the opportunity of having an after school club which could run alongside rugby club for our creative children - watch this space!!

We then discussed some upcoming activity days. We had lots of ideas from animal care days to rock climbing. Please keep your eyes pealed for a letter coming home later this week.