Class 4, Autumn Term 2022
Class 4, Autumn Term 2022
As we fast approach the end of the Autumn Term, with Christmas just around the corner here is a quick look at what we have been up to so far in Year 11.
Vocational activities.
We have mechanics and Construction every Thursday and have been busy learning new skills and working on our individual projects. In Mechanics, we are practising changing wheels, brake pads and disks. We have also been learning how to maintain a car by checking the oil and water regularly. Most of us have finished our paperwork which will go towards our final qualification. In Construction, we are all working on different individual projects which we hope to finish before Christmas.
Our careers advisor Alison has been visiting us every week, and we have had the opportunity to visit Neath College for a look around all of the departments. We have also had visits from the DVLA, the Military prep college in Bridgend and The Grief Preacher, a motivational speaker who talked about his life and how he felt when he was our age. We are going to have more visits and visitors in the new year as we decide what our next steps will be at the end of Year 11.
Our new basketball team
We have a new basketball team! We have really enjoyed our PE lessons this term. Mr Hennessey, Mus and Kian have been coaching us, and we have played our first game against Dylan Thomas Comprehensive.
CSCS training
We have started our CSCS training this term and completed the two day theory sessions. Now we have to practise the online test so that we can hopefully pass in the Summer and get our CSCS card. We will then be qualified to work on a building site.
It's been a fun and busy term. Have a look at out gallery to see what else we've been up to.