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New Beginnings!

Theodore Road

We have had a great first few weeks back at Theodore Road!

We have welcomed new pupils in Year 7 and Year 9 and caught up with friends and staff after the Summer holidays. Our new Big Topic Question is 'Does Freedom Damage a Country'? and we have been enthusiastically discussing our opinions around this idea.

Some of our opinions are below:

"We are free to do anything we want but some things will have bad consequences"

"A country will become dangerous if everyone is free to do whatever they want"

"Most activities and places we go have rules to keep people safe"

"I don't agree with the decision that prisoners should be let out of prison just because the prisons are full. They should serve their full sentence if they have done anything wrong"

"We should have respect for people's houses and their personal property and make right choices"

As well as our classroom work, our outdoor and off-site activities have started back up too - we are swimming, doing woodwork projects in DT and enjoying wellbeing and outdoor learning sessions in forest schools each week. We are also developing our life-skills by visiting local shops, parks and beaches.

Visit us next week to keep following our learning journeys!